Building on the success of our 2023-2024 Seniors Measure UP! initiative, ACER has kicked off a new initiative under the Measure UP! program in collaboration with Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTOERO) District 22. The project will run through to Spring 2025 and include three hands-on measure and mulch field events at recent tree planting sites plus 3 online webinars on various topics, for RTOERO members and friends.
To date, one measure and mulch event has been completed, on October 22 at Centennial Park in Etobicoke, at a site where trees were planted in the spring of 2024 by the TRCA to help stabilize the banks of the nearby creek which is at risk of major flooding events due to climate change. During the event, attended by ACER and TRCA staff, volunteers and RTOERO District 22 members, ACER taught participants how to identify trees, measure trees to assess planting success, and correctly mulch young trees. “It was good to meet, get some exercise on a beautiful fall day and learn some interesting info.” – Marilyn Jones, RTOERO District 22 executive member. And, fun fact: Applewood Heights Secondary School which helped the TRCA plant the trees was one of ACER’s first Planting For Change (P4C) schools, way back in 2008!
ACER was also honoured to be the keynote speaker at the district’s 2024 fall luncheon. During the luncheon, ACER was also presented with a ceremonial cheque for the funding awarded by the district to support the RTOERO Measures UP! initiative. Since 1968, RTOERO has been a voice for teachers, school and school board administrators, educational support staff, and college and university faculty in their retirement, helping them stay connected and engaged, with each other and the community. “Our donation will cover the necessary equipment, training and transportation for the Measure UP! events. The aims are to foster a deeper connection with the local environment and strengthen community bonds.” – Anne McIlroy, President, RTOERO District 22 Etobicoke & York.
In addition to encouraging retired teachers outside and learn how to measure and mulch trees, this initiative will also generate invaluable tree measurement data from the field events. This data will be added to ACER’s data repository and, once analyzed, will help develop and improve strategies for growing and protecting our urban forest canopy; for example, identifying which native tree species seeds should be collected and planted for optimal planting success.
RTO ERO Measure UP! with ACER and the TRCA at Centennial Park – October 22, 2024 RTO ERO Measure UP! with ACER and the TRCA at Centennial Park – October 22, 2024 RTO ERO Measure UP! with ACER and the TRCA at Centennial Park – October 22, 2024 RTO ERO Measure UP! with ACER and the TRCA at Centennial Park – October 22, 2024 RTO ERO Measure UP! with ACER and the TRCA at Centennial Park – October 22, 2024 ACER at the 2024 RTOERO District 22 Fall Luncheon ACER at the 2024 RTOERO District 22 Fall Luncheon