Latin name: Morus rubra
General description: is a small, understory tree that usually reaches heights of only about 30 feet. In Ontario, it grows in moist, deciduous forest habitats such as valleys, floodplains and sand spits in the Carolinian Forest Zone.
Bark: flaky, reddish dark brown bark; tends to be flaky.
Leaves: heart-shaped; about 4 inches long; coarsely toothed leaves that may be either simple or lobed.
Twigs: Light-coloured, have a sweetish taste, release a milky juice when cut.
Fruit: The fruit is juicy and edible, and resembles a blackberry.
Sources used: Native Trees of Canada by R.C. Hosie (1973); The Forest Trees of Ontario by J. H. White revised by R. C. Hosie (1980).