OUR MISSION: ACER supports communities, government agencies and corporations in taking action to reduce biodiversity loss and strengthen climate resilience by increasing and monitoring urban and riparian zone forest canopy.



A very special thank you to those who supported the development of “Climate Change in Context” as an educational resource. Their on-going support of the concept is very greatly appreciated by the entire ACER team.

A special thanks to:

Ann Knechtel and associates whose technical advice and expertise of the internet technology made it possible to have a user friendly format both on the web and on a CD.

Betty Biesenthal of Design House who developed the welcoming warmth of the website.

Kevin O’Brien, who acted as the liason with computer specialists and writing teams to provide a fine educational and technologically advanced resource.

Don MacIver, Heather Auld, Joan Klaassen, Linda Mortsch, Neil Comer and Brian Tugwood, Environment Canada specialists in Climate Change, Science Assessment, Meterology, Ontario and the Great Lakes for supporting the concept and sharing their time and scientific resources.