OUR MISSION: ACER supports communities, government agencies and corporations in taking action to reduce biodiversity loss and strengthen climate resilience by increasing and monitoring urban and riparian zone forest canopy.

Resources: Web Articles


Web Articles

Websites and some Articles. A range of information, links, organizations, and ideas

Website Addresses

The Government of Canada’s ‘Taking Action on Climate Change’ Website.
The One Tonne Challenge, Climate Calculators, Kidsâ Projects, Resources and References for educators, news and incentives.
Learning for a Sustainable Future. Teacher Centre: Thematic Activities, Climate Change. Key questions and teaching activities to explore the issue of climate change in a Canadian context. http://www.schoolnet.ca/future/teacher/classroom/thematic/climate/studyunit/content.htm
Global Warming Kids’ Site: the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Climate Change Solutions. Graph of ‘the gap’ between current greenhouse gas emissions and Canada’s Kyoto target.
Climate Change and Extinctions: a Nature magazine study.
Nature, a leading peer-reviewed scientific journal, published the results of a study in January 2004 that concluded that by 2050, rising temperatures exacerbated by human-induced emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases could send more than a million of Earth’s land-dwelling plants and animals down the road to extinction.  “Climate change now represents at least as great a threat to the number of species surviving on Earth as habitat-destruction and modification,” said Chris Thomas, a conservation biologist at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, the lead author of the study.  Read more about it in this National Geographic article. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/01/0107_040107_extinction.html#main
The Pembina Institute.
“Holistic and practical solutions for a sustainable world.” The following sites offer Internet Tools from the Pembina Institute on climate change solutions, renewable energy, monetary approaches to being more environmentally sustainable, and personal greenhouse gas emission reductions: http://www.pembina.org
The Pembina Institute The One Less Tonne tool.
A Web-based application designed to help ordinary Canadians reduce emissions of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change. At onelesstonne.ca users can click and choose among 20 actions, committing to change the way they use energy and thus reduce their personal emissions by one tonne – or more. With every action they pick, users get a tally of the emission reductions they will achieve, as well as the money they will save through reduced electricity or fuel costs.http://www.onelesstonne.ca/
Government of Canada: The One Tonne Challenge
The One-Tonne Challenge asks you to reduce your annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by one tonne. Click to find out how – and sign up to participate.http://www.climatechange.gc.ca/onetonne/english/
Government of Canada: Sources of Personal Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Government of Canada: Links on Climate Change
Government of Canada :
Programs, initiatives and climate change success stories in our communities and provincial  governmentshttp://www.climatechange.gc.ca/english/actions/what_are/regional.shtml
Government of Canada.
The signed Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  Includes international organizations working on climate change.http://www.climatechange.gc.ca/english/actions/what_are/global.shtml
Environment Canada State of the Environment INFOBASE Climate Change
Good graphs and bar charts on emissions, increases, etc
World View of Global Warming
A website on global warming that includes photography, pictures, photos, climate change, science, weather, arctic, Antarctica, climate zones, glacier, arctic warming, Antarctic warming, documentation, impacts, effects of climate change, paleoclimate, mountain glaciers, coral reefs, tide pools, phenology, sea level information. Viewers can click on thermometers on various locations on a world map to gather information. http://www.worldviewofglobalwarming.org/
Statistics Canada. “Greenhouse gas emissions.’
On a per capita basis, each Canadian produced roughly 18.3 tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2000, one of the highest levels in the world. This was 30% higher than the average for member nations of theOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development. http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/030916/d030916b.htm
The Rising Use of Oil: World Petroleum Consumption, 1960-2002.
A table that clearly shows Canada’s rising oil use (in millions of barrels per day) compared to that of other OECD and non-OECD countries. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/aer/txt/ptb1110.html
America’s Environmental Economics.
Student Research on Climate Change and the Economy An excellent research piece by three students in environmental studies at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, exploring the essential relationships between climate change, policy-making and the economy http://ecosystems.wcp.muohio.edu/studentresearch/climatechange02/policy/project.html
Renewable Energy Devices.
Leading edge small scale ways of generating your own energy, cutting down on energy consumption from the grid (an example of a small, “wagon-wheel” house-mounted windmill.) http://www.renewabledevices.com/swift.htm
Kortright Centre for Conservation
Located in Woodbridge, Ontario (40 minutes from Toronto). Offers a Centre for Sustainable Living, and Green Energy workshops.  An exceptional resource centre for those who would like to learn more about our energy future, in a beautiful outdoor location.  http://www.kortright.org See also their Renewable Energy Project http://www.trca.on.ca/living_city/renewable/
People and Planet-Friendly.
Weblinks to energy information, articles, conferences, technologies, government contacts, organizations, campaigns, media links .http://www.planetfriendly.net/blackout.html#organizations
3 for Kyoto Program Ontario Sustainable Energy Assn. And TREC
The 3 FOR KYOTO program, developed by the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association, demonstrates some of the simplest steps that we can all take to help conserve energy, which in turn will help to protect our air, our water and our city. The program demonstrates three simple and effective ideas that you can undertake at home that take little time, will not affect your day to day life, but can have huge impacts on limiting your daily greenhouse gas emissions.http://www.ontario-sea.org/34kyoto/about.html
Pesticide-free Ontario.
Pesticides and the Kyoto Protocol  – learn more about how the energy-intensive process of producing pesticides, and the CO2 produced in their breakdown add to climate change.  The advantages of going pesticide-free. http://www.pesticidefree.ca/kyoto.htm
The Goddard Institute for Space Studies: The Problem of Black Soot and Snow
The new connection between soot deposition, melting snow and climate change. Research from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot alter the way sunlight reflects off snow. According to a computer simulation, black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century.http://www.thewe.cc/contents/more/archive/december2003/black_soot_causes_global_warming.htm
A Call for Systemic Change What does our Education Teach Us? What do we need to know to live in a world with a changing climate?
A speech by Ray Anderson,
entrepreneur, Chairman of Interface Flooring, on the need to change both business and education systems. http://www.efswest.org/resource_center/articles_readings/Call_for_Systemic_Change.pdf
Canadian Environmental Learning Centres and Places
Green Ontario.
A project of the Conservation Council of Ontario – good tips on being green, energy, urban growth; a directory of organizations working on conservation and environmental issues; policy options for making change. http://www.greenontario.org/
Environmental Earth Angels.
A tree-planting program for schools in Ontario’s Golden Horseshoe.  Includes information on living walls, butterfly gardens, energy-monitoring plans, storm-water management, and “enviro-scaping.” http://www.earthangels.ca/faqs.htm
Government of Canada :Federal House in Order
Reducing greenhouse gases together!  The FHIO initiative is the Government of Canada’s plan for reducing GHG emissions within its own operations. This initiative is in line with the government’s Action Plan 2000 on Climate Change (AP2000) .http://www.fhio.gc.ca/
Government of Canada:
“Removing Carbon Dioxide: Credit for Enhancing Sinks” Information on how the absorption of carbon dioxide in “sinks” – forests, soils, oceans – can be part of the Kyoto Protocol CO2 reduction action plans. .http://www.climatechange.gc.ca/english/whats_new/removing_e.htm
Ballard Fuel Cell Buses.
Will the next generation of buses run on fuel cells, with hydrogen for fuel, and only water as exhaust?  Read about this new technology for a no-carbon fuel future.
http://www.ballard.com/faq.asp?pgid=36&dbid=0 (FAQs)
Sierra Club : Atmosphere and Energy – Campaign for Renewable Energy
The Sierra Club of Canada advocates for a sensible mix of energy solutions: the highest possible energy efficiency, deployment of renewables (wind and solar), and a shift to the new, innovative technologies (hybrid and fuel cells) to move people and goods around. http://www.sierraclub.ca/national/programs/atmosphere-energy/index.shtml
Future International Action on Climate Change Network
Take a look at how Germans and the European Union are approaching the climate change problem. http://www.fiacc.net/
The David Suzuki Foundation: “Driven to Action: Stopping Sprawl in Your Community”
A report and tool kit on the important connections between the way we plan sprawling suburbs, and the amounts of carbon dioxide we produce. How can new approaches to neighbourhood design make an enormous difference to Canadaâs greenhouse gas emissions?http://www.davidsuzuki.org/Climate_Change/Sprawl.asp
Ecological Fiscal Reform (EFR).
How can a government’s taxation and expenditure programs create incentives to support a shift to sustainable development? EFR looks at the use of such policy tools as taxation, tax exemptions, permit trading, tax rebates, direct expenditure, program expenditure and tax credits.  Taxing things like pollution (‘bads’) rather than income (‘goods’) moves business to favour greener solutions to environmental challenges. http://www.fiscallygreen.ca/efr.html
This searchable bibliography database is now available.
It has over 3300 articles on the impacts of climate variability and change as well as ozone depletion. This bibliography of peer-reviewed and grey literature (including journal articles, newspaper articles, reports and materials on the Internet) focuses on environmental change and its impacts on flora and fauna species and critical supporting ecosystems, as well as agricultural resources. It contains some Canadian information and is maintained by the American Society of International Law ÷ Wildlife Interest Group. The bibliography will be updated every two months.  http://eelink.net/%7Easilwildlife/bib.shtml Environmental Change and its Impact on Species/Ecosystems/Agriculture
Beach Solar Landromat.
People are driving across the city of Toronto to use this unique facility that powers its washers and dryers on … solar power!  A leading new way to be clean and green! http://www.greenestcity.org/coolshops/index.htm
The Living City.
The Living City is about creating a shared vision of how a city region (a large city and its surrounding area) should look, and how it needs to function in order to flourish forever. The Living City is about how we can take action together across all sectors of society toward that vision. Itâs about moving towards new ideas of what is or isn’t possible.  Itâs about finding new combinations and innovations that allow new possibilities to become reality.  Some Living City projects include
Greening Health Care
Greening the Urban Village
Home Energy Clinic
Living City Centre
Mayor’s Megawatt Challenge
The Renewable Energy Project
Strategis: Business and the Environment
Industry Canadaâs business and consumer portal to information on sustainable development, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and corporate environmental solutions.  http://strategis.gc.ca
Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI)
CISTI is one of the world’s major sources of information in all areas of science, technology, engineering and medicine. Type ‘climate change’ in the search box for a library of resources on the topic. www.cisti.nrc.ca
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Our mission is to champion innovation, enabling societies to live sustainably. Our role is to promote the transition toward a sustainable future. We seek to demonstrate how human ingenuity can be applied to improve the well-being of the environment, economy and society. Our tools are policy research, information exchange, analysis and advocacy. IISD meets this challenge by advancing policy recommendations on international trade and investment, economic instruments, climate change, measurement and indicators, and natural resource management to make development sustainable. By using Internet communications, we cover and report on international negotiations and broker knowledge gained through collaborative projects with global partners, resulting in more rigorous research, capacity building in developing countries and a better dialogue between North and South.http://www.iisd.ca
Eco-Portal. The Environmental and Sustainability Information Source. An Information Gateway empowering the movement for environmental sustainability. Links to everything green.
Yes! Magazine. Special September 2004 issue, ‘Can We Live Without Oil?’
An excellent environmental resource,
with education news, action ideas, teacher and student resources.
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Green Light, Red Light: Model Year 2004’s “Greenest” and “Meanest” Vehicles Announced.
How green is your family car? Vehicle scores are part of ACEEE’s Green Book¨ Online, the seventh annual edition of ACEEE’s environmental guide to cars and trucks, available online at Claiming the prize for the greenest vehicle of model year 2004 is Honda’s natural gas-powered Civic GX, followed by Honda’s hybrid-electric two-seater Insight and Toyota’s Prius, a hybrid-electric midsize sedan. “The absence of the Big Three from this year’s Greenest Vehicles list is disappointing,” said Langer. “But the fact is that the greenest vehicles today excel in both fuel economy and tailpipe emissions, and Detroit has yet to do that.” www.GreenerCars.com.
Rocky Mountain Institute redesigning the way the world works.
A US nonprofit organization that fosters the efficient and restorative use of natural, human and other capital. Their goal is to contribute to making the world more secure, just, prosperous, and life sustaining. They do this by inspiring business, civil society, and government to design integrative solutions that create true wealth. Their website includes educational resources. http://www.rmi.org
Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas
US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change.
When will the worldâs fossil fuels become hard to access, expensive, rare or even unavailable? Is the world now in the ‘peak’ or top of oil production, and going to experience a period of ever-decreasing fossil fuel supply for the foreseeable future? These oil experts are studying world oil reserves to offer some advice. http://www.usgcrp.gov/usgcrp/nacc/education/default.htm




No Doubt’ Human Activity Is Affecting Global Climate, Top Scientists Conclude

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado.

Two of the nationâs premier atmospheric scientists, after reviewing extensive research by their colleagues, say there is no longer any doubt that human activities are having measurable÷and increasing÷impacts on global climate. Their study cites atmospheric observations and multiple computer models to paint a detailed picture of climate changes likely to buffet Earth in coming decades, including rising temperatures and an increase in extreme weather events, such as flooding and drought. The study appears December 5 in Science as part of the journalâs “State of the Planet” series.


New study reinforces global warming claims

The Star – Tribune By DAN WHIPPLE Special to the Star-Tribune May 6, 2003

BOULDER, COLO. — A study published in Friday’s issue of the journal “Science” has found that temperatures in the troposphere as measured by satellites have apparently risen since 1979, in contradiction to earlier findings that they had not. The controversial satellite data had been one of the keystones for critics who denied the warming trend because of the discrepancy between the temperatures as measured on earth and those measured from satellites. The paper concludes that the new data mean that humans are having a “pronounced influence” on earth’s climate.


Warming planet shifts life north and early, Kendall Powell, January 2003. Huge studies analyze climate change’s toll on plants and animals across globe.

Go to Nature Magazine index: Stories by Subject. Choose articles by clicking on date/issue.


By 2050 Warming to Doom Million Species, Study Says

John Roach, for National Geographic News, January 7, 2004


Has global oil production peaked?

Source: Copyright 2004, Christian Science Monitor Date: January 30, 2004
Byline: David R. Francis | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

Today’s civilization depends on an abundant and relatively cheap supply of oil. It fuels most of our vehicles, aircraft, ships, and trains. It provides the raw material for fertilizer, some clothing fabrics, most plastics, and many chemicals. Oil heats many of our homes and businesses. So when experts discuss when oil production will begin to decline, the world pays heed. The question now making the rounds in energy circles: Has production already peaked?


Environmentalism no threat to growth: panelists

Chicago Sun-Times, January 30, 2004, by Gary Wisby, Environment Reporter

America can grow its economy and combat global warming at the same time, a business leader and a prominent environmentalist agreed here Thursday. DuPont is a good example. Paul Tebo, a corporate vice president, said the company has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 67 percent since 1990 without its profits suffering. “Our goal is to never use more energy no matter how fast we grow,” he said. His co-panelist at a meeting of the Economic Club of Chicago, Peter Goldmark of Environmental Defense, asked jokingly, “Did he say giving to the environment ruins your bottom line?” The cost of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases, which lead to global warming, is only one-seventh what opponents predicted, Goldmark said.


How Global Warming May Cause the Next Ice Age

Common Dreams, January 30, 2004, by Thom Hartmann

While global warming is being officially ignored by the political arm of the Bush administration, and Al Gore’s recent conference on the topic during one of the coldest days of recent years provided joke fodder for conservative talk show hosts, the citizens of Europe and the Pentagon are taking a new look at the greatest danger such climate change could produce for the northern hemisphere – a sudden shift into a new ice age. What they’re finding is not at all comforting.

In quick summary, if enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting polar ice caps and the melting glaciers of Greenland flows into the northern Atlantic, it will shut down the Gulf Stream, which keeps Europe and northeastern North America warm. The worst-case scenario would be a full-blown return of the last ice age – in a period as short as 2 to 3 years from its onset – and the mid-case scenario would be a period like the “little ice age” of a few centuries ago that disrupted worldwide weather patterns leading to extremely harsh winters, droughts, worldwide desertification, crop failures, and wars around the world.