OUR MISSION: ACER supports communities, government agencies and corporations in taking action to reduce biodiversity loss and strengthen climate resilience by increasing and monitoring urban and riparian zone forest canopy.


ColdDroughtFlood/RainfallFogHailHealthHeatSnowHurricaneIce StormLightningMarineTornadoWind

1.     50-year return period design wind criteria (km/h). Source: Yip et al., 1995; Yip and Auld, 1994; NBCC, 1995;
2.     Annual and Seasonal Wind “Roses” for Ontario Airport Locations (1971-2000) (summarizing hourly wind speed, direction and frequency at each site). Source: MSC-Ontario Region, 2001
3.     Historical time series of annual, seasonal maximum wind gusts and % frequency of occurrence of annual, seasonal gusts exceeding specific values at Ontario station locations (over station period of record with no significant change in wind instrumentation or height). Source: MSC-Ontario Region, 2005c
4.     Total number of potentially damaging wind events grouped by Environment Canada public forecast regions, based on data from 1979-2009. Source: Environment Canada, 2010a.
5.     Average number of days per year with mean wind speeds ≥ 63 km/h, based on data from 1971-2000 data (Provincial overview). Source: Environment Canada, 2003a
6.     Average number of days per year with mean wind speeds ≥ 63 km/h, based on data from 1971-2000 (Southern Ontario). Source: Environment Canada, 2003a
7.     Average number of days per year with mean wind speeds ≥ 63 km/h, based on data from 1971-2000 (Northern Ontario). Source: Environment Canada, 2003a
8.     Extreme instantaneous wind gust (km/h) during the station period of record (Provincial Overview). Source: Environment Canada, 2003a
9.     Most recent occurrence of extreme wind gust (Provincial Overview). Source: Environment Canada, 2003a

Environment Canada, 2003a. National Climate Data and Information Archive. Available online: http://climate.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/climate_normals/index_e.html
Environment Canada, 2010a. Internal. Data Courtesy of Phil Chadwick.
Meteorological Service of Canada – Ontario Region, 2001. Internal. Graphics Provided Courtesy of Erik Buhler of the Ontario Storm Prediction Centre, Toronto.
Meteorological Service of Canada-Ontario Region, 2005c. Internal analysis of data from the Environment Canada National Climate Data and Information Archive.
NBCC (National Building Code of Canada), 1995. Climatic Information for Building Design in Canada 1995. Chapter prepared by H. Auld. Reviewed and approved by Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes Ottawa. (… tornado proofing in NBCC, wind loads, etc.).
Yip, T.C. and H. Auld, 1994. Strong Winds in Canada. In Proceedings on Improving Responses to Atmospheric Extremes: The Role of Compensation and Insurance, October, Toronto. Meteorological Service of Canada, Toronto, Ontario.
Yip, T.C., H. Auld, and W. Dnes, 1995. Updating Wind Pressures for the 1995 National Building Code of Canada. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wind Engineering, January 1995, New Delhi, India.

Data from ontario.hazards.ca