OUR MISSION: ACER supports communities, government agencies and corporations in taking action to reduce biodiversity loss and strengthen climate resilience by increasing and monitoring urban and riparian zone forest canopy.

Ice Storm

ColdDroughtFlood/RainfallFogHailHealthHeatSnowHurricaneIce StormLightningMarineTornadoWind

1. 6-day peak (25-year return period) estimated freezing rain amounts (mm). Source: MacIver, D.C and H. Auld. 2000
2. Canadian Standards Association (CSA) climatological ice amount design criteria for communication structures. Source: CSA 2001b
3. Canadian Standards Association (CSA) climatological ice amount design criteria for power lines. Source: CSA 2001a
4. Average number of days per year with freezing precipitation, based on data from 1971-2000 (Provincial Overview). Source: Environment Canada, 2003a
5. Average number of hours per year with freezing rain, based on data from 1953/54-2000/01 (Provincial Overview). Source: Klaassen et al, 2003
6. Average number of hours per year with freezing precipitation, based on data from 1965-1988. Source: Vilcans and Burnham, 1989; Strapp et al., 1996;


  • Canadian Standards Association 2001a. Canadian Standard CAN/CSA=C22.3 No. 1-M87 (R2001) Overhead Systems. Ice and Wind Loads contributed by Environment Canada. Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale, Ontario.
  • Canadian Standards Association 2001b. Canadian Standard CSA-S37 Antennas, Towers and Antenna-Supporting Structures. Ice and Wind Loads contributed by R. Morris, T. Yip and H. Auld. Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale, Ontario.
  • Environment Canada, 2003a. National Climate Data and Information Archive. Available online: http://climate.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/climate_normals/index_e.html
  • Klaassen, J., S. Cheng, H. Auld, Q. Li, E. Ros, M. Geast, G. Li and R. Lee, 2003. Estimation of Severe Ice Storms Risks for South-Central Canada. Study and Report Prepared by MSC-Ontario Region for the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness. Available online at Klaassen et al, 2003.
  • MacIver, D.C and H. Auld. 2000. Weather Hazards and Changing Road Conditions in Ontario, Canada. Third Symposium on the Urban Environment- American Meteorological Society, 14-18 August 2000, Davis California, 213-215 pp.
  • Strapp, J.W., R.A. Stuart, and G.A. Isaac, 1996. A Canadian Climatology of Freezing Precipitation, and a Detailed Study using Data from St. John’s, Newfoundland. Proceedings of the FAA International Conference on Aircraft In-flight Icing, Springfield, Virginia, 6-8 May 1996.
  • Vilcans and Burnham, 1989    Vilcans, J. and D. Burnham, 1989. Climatological Study to Determine the Impact of Icing on the Low Level Windshear Alert System. Tech. Report DOT-TSC-FAA-89-3 (Vols. 1 and 2), U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA 02142.

Data from ontario.hazards.ca