OUR MISSION: ACER supports communities, government agencies and corporations in taking action to reduce biodiversity loss and strengthen climate resilience by increasing and monitoring urban and riparian zone forest canopy.


ColdDroughtFlood/RainfallFogHailHealthHeatSnowHurricaneIce StormLightningMarineTornadoWind

1. Average annual total Cooling Degree Days above 18° C, based on data from 1968-1988. Source: Watson and MacIver, 1995
2. Average number of days per year with maximum temperatures > 30° C, based on data from 1971-2000 (Provincial Overview). Source: Environment Canada, 2003a
3. Average number of days per year with maximum temperatures > 30° C, based on data from 1971-2000 (Provincial Overview)(contoured map). Source: MSC-Ontario Region, 2005a
4. Average number of days per year with maximum temperatures > 30° C, based on data from 1971-2000 (Southern Ontario). Source: Environment Canada, 2003a
5. Average number of days per year with maximum temperatures > 30° C, based on data from 1971-2000 (Northern Ontario). Source: Environment Canada, 2003a


  • Environment Canada, 2003a. National Climate Data and Information Archive. Available online: http://climate.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/climate_normals/index_e.html
  • Environment Canada, 2009b. Internal Data Analysis. Data Courtesy of Environment Canada’s National Climate Data and Information Archive.
  • Meteorological Service of Canada-Ontario, 2006. Internal Data Analysis. Data Courtesy of Environment Canada’s National Climate Data and Information Archive.
  • Meteorological Service of Canada-Ontario Region, 2005a. Internal. Data Courtesy of National Climate Data and Information Archive.
  • Watson B.G. and MacIver D., March 1995. Integrated Mapping Assessment Project (IMAP). Environment Canada and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Data from hazards.ca