OUR MISSION: ACER supports communities, government agencies and corporations in taking action to reduce biodiversity loss and strengthen climate resilience by increasing and monitoring urban and riparian zone forest canopy.

Riparian Rangers Mississauga – Iceland Arena Restoration Area

Approximately 95 adult and youth volunteers from the Mississauga Chinese Alliance Church and the Peel Environmental Youth Alliance (PEYA) came out to a community event organized by ACER, the City of Mississauga, and EcoSoure at the Iceland Arena Restoration Area, a buffer zone to Little Etobicoke Creek. The day was a great success – invasive species such as buckthorn were removed, over 200 native trees and shrubs were planted, and community members monitored at least 10% of each tree species planted to establish a baseline for future monitoring years to come.

An essential element to this program is to keep community members engaged to study climate change impacts over a long-term period. Therefore, if you are interested to learn more about this program or wish to volunteer to measure trees next year, please contact our office.

Planting Day: October 18th, 2014
First Monitoring Date: October 18th, 2014
Second Monitoring Date: October 2nd, 2015

Restoration area - before

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