OUR MISSION: ACER supports communities, government agencies and corporations in taking action to reduce biodiversity loss and strengthen climate resilience by increasing and monitoring urban and riparian zone forest canopy.

Paradise Grove Park

ACER is currently working in collaboration with the Niagara Parks Commission and Climate Action Niagara to collect the data of 2 plots at Paradise Grove Park, as part of “Yes, We CAN” project.

The Niagara Project has begun with primary funding from Earth Day Canada/Sobey’s. Our partners are Climate Action Niagara, Niagara Parks Commission and Scouts Canada. This project will demonstrate the effectiveness of local monitoring and reporting of environmental change in long-term schoolyard planting and forest monitoring programs. The Niagara Project extends ACER’s Ontario “ Measuring our Resources and Planting for Change” school sites and “Go Global” community forest research plot program.

Paradise Grove Park presents a unique opportunity in black-oak savanna forest in one-hectare plots to compare the effects of a controlled burn on biodiversity.


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