OUR MISSION: ACER supports communities, government agencies and corporations in taking action to reduce biodiversity loss and strengthen climate resilience by increasing and monitoring urban and riparian zone forest canopy.

Humber Forest at Humber Arboretum

Most of Humber Arboretum had been owned by local farmers before the 80’s where livestocks such as cattle freely roamed around the area. The soil used to be more moist than it is now that the area was filled with wetland species such as Marsh Marigold.  Species such as White Trillium, American Elm and American Beech were abundant during this period. However, all of the American Elms were lost in the 80’s due to Dutch Elm Disease, and most of American Beech were lost due to path construction damaging their roots. Since around 2005, deer population has increased drastically which also affected forest biodiversity with increased tree bark damage and excessive browsing on young trees.

The Humber Arboretum and ACER have been partners for over 10 years.
This plot was surveyed in 2004, 2009, and 2013 with the help of the community and students from University of Toronto Scarborough.

Our findings are summarized in the Fact Sheet or Tree Report.

Download the complete tree data of this plot: Spreadsheet or Fusion Table

Find detailed information about each tree by clicking pink dots on the map.
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