** Update: May 21, 2021 — Internship positions have now been filled. Thank you for your interest! **
ACER (Association for Canadian Educational Resources) is excited to open our application process for summer interns. Positions are available in the Region of Peel.
ACER’s research and activities contribute to reaching UN climate change targets and creating green infrastructure.
Summer interns will perform supervised duties that are flexibly scheduled for weather and pandemic conditions. Duties include some or all of the following:
- Become familiar with Federal, Peel Region and Municipal policy context to manage impacts of climate change, systemic racism, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Become familiar with Tree Cities of the World program, One Million Trees initiatives and SNAP urban revitalization (Sustainable Neighbourhoods Action Plan).
- Create content for ACER website and support social media content development and distribution.
- Undertake ACER’s Mulch, Measure and Measuring Our Resources program. Liaise with non-profit agencies to recruit family bubbles and secondary school students for completion of required community service hours to ensure graduation, in support of municipal Million Trees and SNAP programs.
- Conduct perception surveys re: mental health and human relationship with outdoor activities. Develop and test perception survey iterations.
- Undertake tasks related to Project Crossroads.
- Undertake ACER project and program management tasks, including collection and 2021 annual data reporting, review and update ACER research program data, research papers, and websites.
- Engage in shared peer-learning and peer-training by conducting workshops to promote digital literacy and competence for ACER Board and Committee members, staff and ACER volunteer recruits.
- Enable virtual team meetings, record-keeping and follow-up.
Activities will be performed outdoors under pandemic protocols in individual and group settings, and remotely as necessary. Candidates should have access to the internet to work remotely and access to transportation as needed.
Successful candidates will have a passion for the environment and be pursuing a career in science, geography, math, environmental studies, business administration, community development, marketing/communications or graphics arts/design.