Richmond Street PS – Planting for Change

On Fri, June 24, ACER started a Planting for Change program at Richmond St PS, Thorold, Ontario. The Planting for Change Program allows students to collect data on the health and yearly growth of their tree plantings as they explore issues surrounding climate change locally and globally. Hands-on involvement with the planting and data collecting gave each student a sense of personal satisfaction and by the end of the day everyone was proud of their accomplishments. The fieldwork involved gave each student an idea of how easy it is to make a difference, one tree at a time. Thanks to everyone who participated we hope to see you next year for additional measurements!

ACER’s president, Alice Casselman, P4C Coordinator, Sophie Lu, Volunteer, Nahed, Volunteer, Luisa Ramirez, Program Assistant, Abdallah Butt, Forestry/Landscaping Consultant, Sadia Butt,  and ACER Program Coordinator, Ana Maria Martinez, offered sound direction to the students and staff.

To learn more about Richmond Street’s green initiatives click here.

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