In March 1998, Alice Casselman participated on the Education and Awareness Workgroup formed by the Environmental Task Force created by the City of Toronto. This Task Force’s main goal was to recommend an Environmental Plan for the City of Toronto.
The Environmental Task Force’s Education and Awareness Workgroup recommends that the City become a
world leader in the delivery of environmental/sustainability education and outreach. This would involve
developing an education and outreach program in partnership with the broad community of educators. The
program would work to establish a culture supportive of environmental sustainability through building
awareness, developing support, and motivating action for the adoption of more environmentally sustainable
behaviours in all sectors of society.
Public Education and Outreach Program
1. That the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services, in consultation with Economic
Development, Culture, and Tourism; Community and Neighbourhood Services; Public Health; the
Healthy City Office; Corporate Services; and Urban Planning and Development Services, initiate and
coordinate a broadscale environmental/sustainability public education and outreach program until
such time as a staff lead for sustainability is appointed and assumes this responsibility.
The program should be:
i. designed to raise awareness in the general public, and more specifically target the media,
business, industry, agencies, educators, youth, community-based groups, and not-for-profit
ii. based on City priorities as identified in the approved Strategic Plan and the Environmental
Plan or by Council;
iii. presented to the proposed Sustainability Roundtable or City Council prior to December 31,
iv. assessed and reported on in any Environmental/Sustainability Audit reporting undertaken by
the City;
v. allocated appropriate staff resources from each participating department to lead specific
environmental/sustainability education and outreach initiatives, and that the budget
requirements of the program be included as part of the operating budgets of the relevant
departments. It is anticipated that it may require additional staff and other resources to carry
out the strategic delivery of this program; and
vi. designed to involve other City agencies, boards, and commissions such as The Toronto and
Region Conservation Authority, Toronto Hydro, Toronto District Heating Corporation,
Toronto Atmospheric Fund, and Libraries.