OUR MISSION: ACER supports communities, government agencies and corporations in taking action to reduce biodiversity loss and strengthen climate resilience by increasing and monitoring urban and riparian zone forest canopy.

Community Solutions in a Changing Climate: Coping with Change in Our Backyard

ACER, Carolinian Canada and the Ontario Urban Forest Council brought together students, ENGO’s and scientists to report and plan climate change adaptations.

Hosted by Humber College, the symposium attendees met with students and teachers involved in measuring and reporting changes in biodiversity and work with Canadian climate change Nobel Prize winning scientists.

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Symposium Formal Statement


Thursday May 23rd, 2013


Kathryn Chin, Planting for Change (P4C) Program Leader, ACER: “Overview of ACER’s programs and report on the monitoring activities at schools through the P4C program”

Vanessa Alsop, B.Sc., MES, Grade 9-11 Teacher, Dragon Academy: “Teaching perspectives on monitoring protocols and what to do with the data”

Sadia Butt, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto: “South Central Ontario Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Plots Analysis”

Marianne Karsh, Director, Arborvitae: “Ten Year Report Results of the Climate Change Study at the Humber Arboretum”

Don McIver, Mayor of Amaranth: “Community Sustainability under a Changing Climate”

Friday May 24th, 2013


Don McIver, Mayor of Amaranth: ” Community Sustainability under a Changing Climate”

Heather Auld, Senior Climatologist, Risk Science International (RSI): “Ecosystem Services for Climate Resilient Communities”

Neil Comer, Senior Climatologist, Risk Science International (RSI): “The New 2013 IPCC Assessment: What Climate Changes Are Coming?”


Michelle Kanter, Executive Director, CCC: “Evolution of Carolinian Canada Coalition”

Vince D’Elia, Project Manager, Etobicoke and Mimico Creek Watersheds, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA): “Embracing Tree Health Monitoring”

Jack Radecki, Executive Director, OUFC: ” Tree Related Challenges”

Lynn Short, Professor, Department of Horticulture, Humber College: “Humber Arboretum Community Programs”

Ana Maria Martinez, Program Coordinator, ACER: “Educating communities in response to climate change”


Program (See Full Program)

Thursday, May 23, 2013 – 9:30 am to 6:30 pm | Sharing Data and Experiences
– Students shared success and challenges of planting and monitoring (10yr) impacts on species biodiversity with scientists.

Thursday Eve, May 23, 2013 – 7 pm | Birthday Celebration 50, 29, 25 years hosted by OUFC
– Intros, music, bar, hors oeuvres, awards, displays, networking
– Conservation awards

Friday, May 24, 2013 – 9:30 am to 3:30 pm | How Can we Adapt to Change?
Community Panel – Sharing Findings and Issues
– Carolinian Canada AGM
– Posters, walking tours
Science Panel – Sharing Future and Issues
– Mini-round tables – Communities and scientists work together to address these issues and plan practical solutions